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Diagram Diagrams TV — Identity Bumpers

Diagram Diagrams is an eclectic independent avant-garde arts organization and media label, operating under the transparent guise of a corporation specializing in the production of graphs, charts, diagrams, and dioram-o-grams. Its apparent source of sustenance and raison d'etre is "Nothing", and its oeuvre is a cornucopia of Nothing's many shapes and shades. In 2020, DD formented the launch of an internet-based broadcasting entity known as Diagram Diagrams TV — its channel for video and performance art, process and event livestreaming, and madcap broadcast experimentation. Here are some of the bumpers and interstitials I have designed for the channel.

DDTV Bumper No. Oh One

The TV screen void erupts in a painterly surge of digitally melted cathode distortion and dancing typography. Because Nothing is happening, everything can happen.

DDTV Cinema Floater

Runs before longer form video works.

DDTV Information Department — Empties

Minimalism and maximalism, emptiness and form, are a snake eating its own tail — two aspects of the same. In this exercise of formal minimalism as an opening to imaginal maximalism, DDTV Info Dept is here to provide an ambient drone of useful information about Nothing, a la The Weather Channel. Empty diagrams are given surreal captions, different each airing, created via automatism and the cut-up technique. Is tedium not the Calgon of the imagination?
